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10 Things We Love About FUA

How much do we love Florence University of the Arts (FUA)? Let us count the ways....

1. Aperitivo on Wednesdays at Ganzo: only 5 euros for a hand-made cocktail made by one of the best bartenders in town and an endless supply of delicious food prepared by some of our favorite chefs and classmates. It's a great way to enjoy an evening out on a budget!

2. Employees are 100! We have learned from faculty with expertise in linguistics, architecture, culinary arts and cuisine, and beyond. Sounds like a start to a good joke...a xx, xx, and xx walk into an enoteca...

3. Learning Spaces: the pink lecture room, courtyards and greenery everywhere, innovative technology, free clean bathrooms bathrooms…you know, the important stuff! FUA has it all! BONUS: We get to give our final research presentations in the PINK ROOM!!!

4. Fedora: Delicious pastries we can swipe our meal points for? Um, yes puh-lease! The calories in these only equate to half the distance it takes to walk there--well worth it!

5. Student involvement: They do everything. The food, the art, the fashion – all student made. Experiential learning at its finest, so there's never a dull day or lack of anchovies to slice.

6. Corso Tintori views: the terrace overlooking the river is the best study spot around. Kick your feet up, take in the views and sun, and try not to get pooped on by a bird.

7. Security: No randos can walk in without this precious piece of plastic. On Wednesdays, we wear red.

8. Field trips: Something to do every weekend and they’ll plan the whole thing for you. These field trips always offer ‘gram-worthy views, blog-worthy bites, and a good ole siesta on a train or bus during the return back to Florence. Zzzzzzz

9. Gym: Free access so you can feel better if all you’ve eaten is pizza, pasta, and gelato all day every day #gainz

10. Activities every day of the week: exercise classes, walks through the city, tickets to plays and many more. Feeling a bit awkward or alone, FUA has you covered!

[This post was inspired by BuzzFeed and composed by Kaylee McCracken, Camille Goodwyn, Sarah Kincade, abd Adria Diaconu.]

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