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An Operatic Ci Vediamo

St. Mark’s Anglican Church was cool and dark as I entered, lights dimmed to reveal only the stage. The frescoes on the 18th century arched ceiling emerged in the dappled light, crimson and enticing. However, I was not touring another church; I was realizing a goal I had prior to arriving in Florence - I was attending an operatic performance. The pianist introduced the evening’s program, detailing the plots with humorous asides to draw us in. When he sat down, fingers poised above the keys, a hush fell over the room. Then, the cavernous nave filled with the sprightly melody of Mozart’s Marriage of Figaro. The pianist’s deft playing seemed to call the singers, their voices intertwining, their acting transporting us into the scene. Following each piece, the silence filled with lingering notes, trills, and vibrato. As I listened to each aria, I felt fulfilled and lucky for the happenstance cancellation that gave me the opportunity to see operatic performances on one of my last nights in Florence. Adding to my overall feeling of contentment was rounding out the trip the way it began, with Marco (our field week instructor) leading us through our operatic adventure. Next time, Florence - because there will be a next time! - a full opera!

[This post was written by Stephanie Meier, a second year doctoral student studying Health Disparities]

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