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Bittersweet: Final Project Highs and Saying Goodbye Blues

As the end of our study abroad is quickly (and sadly) approaching, our papers and deadlines are the main things on all of our minds right now. Besides completing Florence bucket lists and taking in the Italian culture while we can, finishing up our papers and finalizing our presentations are at the forefront of all of our to-do lists. Today was a busy day as we all regained ourselves after our weekend getaways and started up again on finishing our research papers. After one of our last classes together in the morning, everyone got to work and put final touches on various sections of our manuscripts. Personally, I came back from class, ate a quick lunch, and started working on the results section of our paper on infertility. Later in the day, all of the groups met up to work together to create a final product. We all worked hard, but laughed harder as we tried to soak up some of our final moments together. It’s all becoming bittersweet. My group is so proud of ourselves and our paper, including completely finishing it! There isn’t a better feeling than working so hard towards a goal and finally achieving it successfully. As the week closes out and these final four days come to end, we will reflect on all our memories and the laughs may turn into tears, but we will never forget this experience!

[This post was written by Savannah Hottle, a Sophomore studying Health and Disease]

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